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Current Local Time in New York City, New York, United States is 04:37:06

EST-Eastern Standard Time UTC-05:00 hours

Sunday, Feb 23 2025, week - 08, 54th day of year, Daylight saving is not active

EST timezone converter

Weather:32.56°F/0.31°C/273.46K Clear sky

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New York City Weather

Current Temperature in New York City32.56°F/0.31°C/273.46K
Feels like24.84°F/-3.98°C/269.17K
New York City Humidity Percentage58%
Atmospheric Pressure in New York City1020 hPa
Wind Speed in New York City4.12 Miles Per Hour
Wind Direction in New York City240 Degrees

New York City Time Zone

New York City Time ZoneEastern Standard Time
Time Zone AbbreviationEST
UTC Offset for Eastern Standard Time-5 Hours
Is EST a Standard Time Zone?Yes
Current Local Time in New York City 2025-02-23 04:37:06

Daylight Saving Time in New York City

Is Daylight Saving Time active now in New York City?No
New York City Summer Time ZoneEDT
New York City Winter Time ZoneEST
Daylight Time Start DateSunday, 12 March 2023, 02:00 AM
Daylight Time End DateSunday, 05 November 2023, 02:00 AM
UTC Offset for DST-4 Hours
UTC Offset during winter-5 Hours

Twilights in New York City today

Civil Twilight Start Time
Civil Twilight End Time
Nautical Twilight Start Time
Nautical Twilight End Time
Astronomical Twilight Start Time
Astronomical Twilight End Time

New York City: Sunrise Time & Sunset Time

Sunrise Time in New York City
Sunset Time in New York City
Noon Time in New York City
Duration of the daytime today in New York City0 Hours-0 Minutes-0 Seconds
Prepare failed

New York City: Moonrise Time & Moonset Time

Moonrise Time Today in New York City
Moonset Time Today in New York City

New York City: Moon Phases

New moon day
Full moon day
First Quarter of Moon
Last Quarter of Moon

Calendar Today

Day of the weekSunday
Month of the yearFebruary
Number of days in this month28
Day of the year53
Week of the year08
Number of Seconds from Epoch1740303426 Seconds

About New York City

Name of the CityNew York City, New York, United States
New York City, Hoboken, Long Island City, Jersey City, Weehawken, Union City, West New York, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Guttenberg, Secaucus, North Bergen, Bayonne, Fairview, East New York, Cliffside Park, Bensonhurst, Edgewater, Harrison, Kearny
Two Letter Country code of United States (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)US
Three letter Country code of United States (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)USA
New York City Latitude40.7142700
New York City Longitude
New York City Elevation
10 meter
Alternates Names for New York City in Vernacular LanguagesAebura,Bandar Raya New York,Big Apple,Cathair Nua Eabhraic,Eabhraig Nuadh,Ef rog Newydd,Evrek Nowydh,Lungsod ng New York,N'ju-Jork,NY,NYC,Nea Yorke,Nei Y arrick Schtadt,New York,New York City,New York Stad,New York borg,New York k enti,New York-borg,Niujorkas,Nju Jork,Njujork,Nouvieau York,Nov-Jorko,Nova I orque,Nova York,Nova-York,Novjorko,Novum Eboracum,Nowy Jork,Nua-Eabhrac,Nuev a York,Nujorka,Nyja Jorvik,Nyu York Shehiri,Nòva York,Nýja Jórvík,Thanh pho New York,Thành phố New York,York Berri,manhattan,n'yuyorka,ni'u iyark a siti,niu yue,niu yue shi,niyuyark nakaram,nkhr niwyxrk,nyuyog,nyuyog si,ny uyoku,nyw ywrq,nywywrk,Ņujorka,Νέα Υόρκη,Њу Јорк,Њујорк ,Нью-Ёрк,Нью-Йорк,Ню Йорк,ניו יארק,ניו יורק ,ניו־יאָרק,نيويورك,نیویارک شہر,نیویورک,न यूयॉर्क,নিউ ইয়র্ক সিটি,நிய யார்க் நகரம்,นครนิวยอร์ก,ნ უ-იორკი,ニューヨーク,マンハッタン,紐約市,纽约, 뉴욕,뉴욕 시
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